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“...unceasing passion for knowledge and creation of beautiful music, the creative hub that Flux is.”
Artist, Banda Magda
INspiration Focus
Writing and production room with perfect integration of a range of digital and analog instruments via a Universal Audio Apollo extended system through PSI Audio A21-M monitors and AVAA bass management. The real-time processing power of the UAD hardware and software enables the producer to focus on writing music rather than patching cables.
The Inspiration room, like all Flux Studios rooms, is 100% Thunderbolt compatible, allowing visiting producers and engineers to use their personal computers to drive the room’s infrastructure if they desire to do so. It’s the fastest and easiest way to convert a home studio project into a professional project without export and plugin hassles.
“Working with Fab and Daniel has always been an amazing experience. They are ultra dedicated to creating the perfect sound for any given situation, so I trust them dearly.”
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